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This will allow ten times more young people to benefit from travelling with DiscoverEU in the coming six years. You are now one of our first DiscoverEU Ambassadors.

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DiscoverEU is an initiative that gives 18-year-olds the opportunity to discover Europe through learning experiences.


. It offers 18-year-olds a travel experience that will enable them to take advantage of the freedom of movement in the European Union discover the diversity of European regions enjoy its cultural richness connect with people from all over the continent and. Mit der Bahn auf Europatour die Europäische Kommission vergibt dazu insgesamt 60000 gratis Interrail-Tickets. W tej rundzie zgłoszeń w konkursie mogą wziąć wyjątkowo udział również wszystkie młode osoby które kwalifikowały się do udziału w dwóch poprzednich turach w 2020 r. The European Commission will launch the first application round under Erasmus in the first half of 2022.

DiscoverEU is an initiative of the European Union giving 18-year-olds the opportunity to travel around Europe. The aim is to help Europes youth connect with the European identity and raise awareness of the core values of the European Union through travel. You have the unique opportunity to take part in the DiscoverEU project. As a DiscoverEU Ambassador you play an important role in this.

Odwołanych ze względu. Back Manfred Weber in persuading the EU to give youth the journey of a lifetime for their 18th birthday. DiscoverEU is a community of young 18-years-old travelers that focuses on preparing their travel journeys sharing their stories while or after traveling or providing tips and suggestions to other young travelers. For more information about the impact of the coronavirus on your trip please visit the DiscoverEU.

It connects hundreds of young Europeans and creates a real community across Europe. DiscoverEU ist eine Initiative die 18-Jährigen die Möglichkeit gibt Europa durch zu entdecken. The European Commission launched DiscoverEU in the summer of 2018 a new EU initiative based on a proposal from the European Parliament. DiscoverEU has been integrated into the Erasmus Programme as of 2021.

DiscoverEU celebrates seeing the best of Europe in a sustainable way which is why youll mainly travel by rail since trains are one of the least polluting means of transport. An exciting idea that needs your support. As such it works primarily through their official Facebook groupIt was born under the initiative of the European Commission and it is now available to get through on the European. TeilnehmerInnen der letzten Runde von November 2019 die bereits einen Travel-Pass erhalten haben dürfen sich nicht erneut bewerben.

LR Eichtinger. DiscoverEU Ambassador whats this. Let young people travel the continent and grasp the opportunities Europe offers. Du kannst auf Reisen die Vielfalt Europas erkunden etwas über das kulturelle Erbe und die Geschichte Europas lernen und mit Menschen aus dem ganzen Kontinent in Kontakt treten.

DiscoverEU to także sposobność do rozwijania umiejętności życiowych które przydadzą się w przyszłości takich jak niezależność pewność siebie i otwartość na inne kultury. DiscoverEU is an EU initiative giving 18-year-old young people from all backgrounds the opportunity to travel around Europe learn from other cultures build new friendships with fellow Europeans and explore their European identity. In the future however we want to give even more young people the chance to discover our European continent. Tixtieq tiskopri l-pajjiżi tal-Unjoni Ewropea.

Exploring the diversity of Europe while travelling learning about European cultural heritage and history and connecting with people from all over the continent. Free Interrail tickets for all Europeans turning 18 to DiscoverEU. A DiscoverEU uniós kezdeményezés alkalmat nyújt a 18 éves európai fiataloknak arra hogy élve az EU-n belüli szabad mozgás lehetőségével felfedezzék Európa ezer arcát kulturális örökségét és történelmét és új barátokat szerezzenek a kontinens különböző szegleteiben. The aim of this open procedure is to sign an inter-institutional framework service contract with a single contractor mainly to organise to deliver and to assess the large-scale travels of participants particularly those under each application round of DiscoverEU including travel passes and discounts on culture nature sports local transport accommodation or other services.

The DiscoverEU programme was launched in 2018 following a proposal from the European Parliament and has been integrated into the new Erasmus 2021-2027 programme. Als DiscoverEU-BotschafterIn berichtest du auf sozialen Medien wie Instagram Facebook oder Twitter über deine Reiseerlebnisse DiscoverEU. Għandek jew se tagħlaq 18 -il sena. Opportunita għal 60 żgħażugħa ta tmintax -il sena Malti u Għawdxi biex.

In fact did you know that rail is the only mode of transport to have almost continuously reduced CO2 emissions over the last few years. DiscoverEU is an EU initiative offering young people the opportunity to travel Europe. By travelling mainly by rail there are exceptions to allow those living on islands or in remote areas to take part young people discover Europe stunning landscapes and.

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